FRIENDS OF CTFA: Annual Donors who sustain the philanthropic work of CTFA

The FRIENDS OF CTFA are the circle of Annual Donors whose gifts sustain the philanthropic work of the Childrens Theatre Foundation of America awarding grants, honors, and awards in support of theatre for children and youth.
FRIENDS OF CTFA Sustaining Donors LIST 2024 THANK YOU!
A Friend of CTFA is a Sustaining Donor whose annual Combined Gifts total $100 or more.
Janet Allen (Medallion)
Barbara Shaffer Bacon (Founders)
Gail Sergel Brown (Medallion)
Kate Burnett (Medallion)
José Casas (Founders)
Mina Casmir (Medallion, Founders)
Mina Casmir (Medallion, Founders)
Charlotte Chorpenning (Author’s Legacy)
Gloria Bond Clunie (Medallion, Founders)
Rives Collins (Medallion)
Shirley Trusty Corey (Founders, Medallion*IMO)
Arthur Fauquez (Author’s Legacy)
Michael Fitzpatrick (Founders)
Robyn Flatt (Medallion, Founders)
Rachel Francisco (Founders)
Joel Goldberg (Founders)
Moses Goldberg (Medallion, Founders, Author’s Legacy)
JoBeth Gonzales (Founders)
Miriam Gonzales (Medallion)
José Cruz Gonzalez (Founders)
Aurand Harris (Author’s Legacy)
Dwayne Hartford (Medallion, Founders)
Linda Hartzel (Medallion)
Page Hernandez (Medallion, Founders)
Paige Hernandez (Medallion)
Sharnita Johnson (Medallion)
Xan Johnson (Founders)
David & Stephanie Kilpatrick (Founders)
Katherine Krzys (Medallion)
Alexandra López (Medallion, Founders)
Jennifer Hartman Luck (Founders)
Marilee & Bob Miller (Founders, Medallion *IMO)
Jenny Millinger (Medallion, Founders)
Carol North & Nicholas Kryah (Medallion)
Betsy Quinn (Founders)
Megan Ann Rasmussen (Founders)
David Saar (Founders, Founders *IHO)
Troy Schied (Founders)
Karen Sharp (Founders)
Zachary & Claudia Spillman (Founders)
Mary Hall Surface (Medallion, Founders)
Adele Thane (Author’s Legacy)
Johna Tolch (Founders, Medallion)
William P Ward & Walter Hill (Founders IMO*)
Dorothy Webb (Founders, Medallion)
Michael D. Wood Family Fund (Sponsorship)
Susan Wood (Founders)
Suzan Zeder (Medallion, Founders)
Since 1958, the Childrens Theatre Foundation of America (CTFA) has helped to bring untold stories about relevant issues to underserved young audiences across the country through the power of theatre for young audiences.
Theatre for young people can be a solution. Because of the remarkable combustion that happens when young people experience live enactment in a space together. Theatre activates a child’s natural inclination for dramatic play. It deepens understanding of people, events, and issues. It promotes active learning. Science and psychology have given us proven facts that theatre is a therapeutic force for young people; by addressing the issues we face as a society, we are better able to heal as individuals. Today, we need theatre more than ever.
If we’re going to get artists and their work for theatre for youth on-its-feet after the delays we have all lived through together, we will need your help.
Please make a tax-deductible end-of-year gift to CTFA today. BECOME A DONOR by credit card or ZELLE® (using CTFA website’s DONOR button) or mail a check. (Childrens Theatre Foundation, Kassie Misiewicz-Treasurer, 452 SW B Street, Bentonville, AR 72712)
Our children need the arts, not just for entertainment and education, but for survival. Together, we’ll make sure they will not be forgotten.
Thank you for your support,
Suzan Zeder, Board Trustee President CTFA-Childrens Theatre Foundation
Donations received through December 31st will be accounted, for tax purposes, in that year.
LET'S TALK-We would be pleased to talk with you about LEGACY GIVING or EVENT SPONSORSHIP.
Just send a email message through ASK CTFA GIVING button or
and a Board Trustee will reply.
(Please include a phone number, if you wish for us to reply by telephone.)
If you prefer to send a letter request, please use the Treasurer’s address, below.
Office of the Treasurer of CTFA : Kassie Misiewicz, 452 SW B Street, Bentonville, AR 72712
The Childrens Theatre Foundation (EIN 84-6036093) is listed by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) Public Charity and gifts are tax deductible.
Engage □ Explore □ Empower